These days I feel like the Lawyer who after receiving an answer on what is the greatest commandment wonders who is their neighbor? My reasons are slightly different, I am just trying to wrap the fact that I have no idea who lives next to me. Don’t judge me yet am dwelling in an individualistic community and this is the norm, so I am told: "it's just different”. What shall I do to inherit eternal life? Mathew which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus turns the question to him “what does the law say? How do you read it? ‘‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. Do this and you will live. To justify his actions, he asked “who is my Neighbor” never mind he wants to test Jesus and see whether he understands the Law. So, the legal expert is confronted with a parable by Jesus and Just as the priest is looking for a loophole to avoid the inconvenience of helping his neighbo...