"Only strong branches can carry much fruit." Gillian John 15:11-17 Through the eye of a leader developer. Jesus uses a metaphor to explain the concept of "bearing fruit." We envision a vine and its branches massive with fruits. We also see a gardener watering, nurturing, and pruning the branches that do not bear fruit. Jesus starts by saying He is the true vine; could it be another fake/false vine? We see a great picture of the Trinitarian image when Jesus says His Father is the gardener, and He is the vine. He introduces "God in us" an invitation to the Triune God. We see the father pruning every branch in Him that does not bear fruit. We notice that He prunes such branches so that they will be even more fruitful and gain health. We observe the word "remain" ten times in these 17 verses. What does that mean? He talks about remaining in Him and Him in us so we can bear fruit. No branch can bear fruit by itself. What fruit does Jesus refe...