"Never marry kids raised by single mums" That was the discussion on Facebook and there were so many people commenting “for” and others very offended. I gazed quietly and very easily moved on to other things. I am told that my parents separated when I was 2 or fewer years and that means me and my brothers were raised by a single mum. Never mind that in the '80s single mums were not socially accepted. Society was then very cruel for example, not having a surname was weird and so we had to use our Dad's name and sure that worked very well until we had to explain what our Dad does. Thankfully mum had explained what he did and so I always had an answer. I am told that my parents separated when I was 2 or fewer years and that means me and my brothers were raised by a single mum. Never mind that in the '80s single mums were not socially accepted. Society was then very cruel for example, not having a surname was weird and so we had to use our Dad's name and su