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"Never marry kids raised by single mums" That was the discussion on Facebook and there were so many people commenting “for” and others very offended. I gazed quietly and very easily moved on to other things.
I am told that my parents separated when I was 2 or fewer years and that means me and my brothers were raised by a single mum. Never mind that in the '80s single mums were not socially accepted.  Society was then very cruel for example, not having a surname was weird and so we had to use our Dad's name and sure that worked very well until we had to explain what our Dad does. Thankfully mum had explained what he did and so I always had an answer. 
I am told that my parents separated when I was 2 or fewer years and that means me and my brothers were raised by a single mum. Never mind that in the '80s single mums were not socially accepted.  Society was then very cruel for example, not having a surname was weird and so we had to use our Dad's name and sure that worked very well until we had to explain what our Dad does. Thankfully mum had explained what he did and so I always had an answer. 

I would never ignore the negative impacts that follow kids raised by single mums socially, emotionally, and in so many other ways. Indeed the impact of the entry of sin into the world broke not only relationships between us and God but with self, and community.
In fact, as a result of the fall, we see distorted systems and structures which we cannot separate people from and that's why I say I agree there are. This is one of the impacts of the fall; relationships that don't work. 
I am not going into that discussion today but I will tell you one thing, Jesus work at the cross was to restore not just souls but broken systems and structures and so I by being a child of God I am made in the image of God and I believe there is a lot of learning to do but I have trusted the Lord this far and I know just like anyone else I started a journey with Jesus which allows me to be healed of those wounds and be taught of the Lord. 
The knowledge of who I was (Gillian raised by a single mum) was good enough to know that I needed one who could restore me. I faced reality and never wore a mask before God, I needed a savior not just for my spiritual life but one who could deal with every aspect of my life. When I received him, he taught me whose I was “deeply loved and treasured by God”. That’s who I am, I am not what people say I am. I don't know what it means to be raised by both parents so I would say I need God every hour in my marriage for the last 12 years.  My confidence not because I come from a stable family but my confidence only in Christ finished work at the cross. indeed, He said it was finished. Can I trust that he will sustain my marriage YES? He indeed Only the love of God in Christ is capable of bearing the weight of our true identity. 
I don’t Burry the consequences that I have to face as a result of the choices my parents make, I don't bury those, but I look to them from a very different position; one with Christ. I face those consequences humbly but with courage because of whose I am now. 

What is that one thing you deeply know in your heart you have to face every day with Christ? Each of us has one.

For the last few weeks I have had a glimpse of want it would look like to raise children alone. I acknowledge that it’s a very small glimpse and am not trying to say now I understand but I have a tiny glimpse. Due to COVID 19 I and my husband are separated and are on different continents and my husband’s absence has been so huge that finally, I can reflect on what raising kids alone mean. hopefully, we can be reunited soon. 
My mum raised us alone  had help from one and only Lydia Kaindu who was a very mature house help and stayed with us for 10 years. I wish Lydia was around, but she isn’t otherwise we would share the chores.
 I still want to honor my mum who through thick and thin raised us up and above all things taught us to look to God in all situations. Her tears and pains were endless and today she has a relationship with Jesus who has been her anchor. 
She found her strength in God and continues to find strength in God and today is her birthday and I want to celebrate her and honor her. Salute to all single mums out there and all kids raised by single mums.
As for you who were raised by two parents be compassionate and remember we are loved by our savior just like you.  We are part of the reconciliation he is bringing through His death. 
PTO Later, 


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