BECAUSE HE IS MY SHEPHERD I LACK NOTHING. By Gillian Anyone ever wondered how devotions for a sheep would look like? David in Psalms 23 says that "The lord is my shephered". The ame Lord David referred to remains the great shephered as Jesus says in John 10:11-18 . Last sunday the pastor preached on psalms 23 and I cant help reflect it so often. This morning in my quiet time, I felt led to pray a prayer of a sheep. As I embarked on the prayer, I noticed that my prayers were different when I view myself as a sheep. a) I viewed myself totally in fellowship with the shepherd. Because I belong to his flock, I know his voice, and He knows mine. I don't come as one seeking to be loved, but I belong am loved, and I can talk to my shepherd. He says I lack nothing. He is enough; He is sufficient. As I go about my day, He makes me lie down in green pastures. L...