Looking hot In your new sunglasses!!! By Gillian G. Mwaura Edube But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be fu ll of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! Mathew 6:23 Introduction Our ten, almost eleven-year-old (as he likes to say) son is very visually oriented. It is very easy to teach and instruct him through imagery. He is an upcoming artist ( some of his art pieces posted on mwauragillian@blogspot.com ). It is worth noting that he is growing up amidst lots of suspicion around art, especially in Christian circles. With our kid’s (Roy and Bernice) diverse cultural backgrounds, our role is to promote a Christ kingdom culture that they can use as a yardstick against which to weigh every other culture they encounter. This narrative combines my reflections with my discussions with Roy & Bernice, who are 11 and 9 in September 2021. Dedication: I dedicate these reflections to Roy and Bernice , every young artist who has question...