it may look strange but i have now learnt to speak about the weather like a Norwegian,i came to Norway during summer and its been interesting to see how the weather has been changing every day,the most interesting part has been moving from autumn to winter which we are in right now.
one needs to eat well otherwise the wind can carry you if you are not able to stand it.then the trees turning yellow and allover sudden they are now falling down yap
the funniest was on 29th oct when i was supposed to adjust my clock an hour behind meaning that if i dont i will always be early, i think you can just imagined what happened,
its getting very cold at the same time and this offcourse has made me to follow suit and not talk when am walking outside since the nose if uncovered get soo cold this makes me stop wondering why people are so quiet.
in the island i live in{stord]its been raining alot yet i think i cant wait to see snow so it would better stop raining and we have snow hahahahahahahah
unlike africa i finish a whole day without sunrays i think this is a little stressing especially when the days become soo short with darkness soo early during the day.oh this makes me sad at times yet , for me the fact that everyday comes with a diffrence makes me look forward to another ,,,,,at the same tyme its soo exciting to be here at this time of the year.and i hope before this week ends there is going to be snow.
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