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It begins here "Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”Math 28;19. 
I can only make disciples if i am a disciple myself. How do i become a disciple? A disciple in the New Testament is simply a Christian. Acts 11:26. The day i decided to follow Jesus i became a disciple. 
As disciples, we are called to imitate Jesus’ love (Jn. 13:34), his mission (Mt. 4:19), his humility (Phil. 2:5), his service (Jn. 13:14), his suffering (1 Pt. 2:21) and his obedience to the Father (1 Jn. 2:3-6). Since he is our teacher, we are to learn from him and strive in the power of the Holy Spirit to become like him (Lk. 6:40). This growth in Christ-likeness is a lifelong endeavor that is fueled by the hopeful expectation that one day we will see him face to face (1 Jn. 3:2-3).
Having been justified by his death at the cross my sin was forgiven, i continually overcome sin (sanctification) And will be Glorified when he comes back. While i am being sanctified i am on a journey of growth in my becoming like Christ. 
I also have a responsibility to help others become like Christ. As we follow our Lord, we quickly learn that part of imitation is replication. Having a personal relationship with Jesus is magnificent, but it is incomplete if it ends with us. Part of being his follower is to intentionally help others learn from him and become more like him. As a friend of mine says, “If you aren’t helping other people follow Jesus, I don’t know what you mean when you say you’re following Jesus.” To be his follower is to help others follow him.

As disciples, we are to intentionally pour into other disciples so they can pour into still others (2 Tim. 2:1-2).
When we study the life of Jesus, we see that he formally taught his disciples (Mt. 5-7; Mk. 10:1) while also allowing them to observe his obedience to God as they lived life together (Jn 4:27; Lk. 22:39-56).
In the same way, some of our discipleship relationships should be structured while others will be spontaneous.

How intentional can we get? I Just discovered i do most of my replication spontaneously. 
Jesus is the one we focus on as we “make disciples” (vv. 19–20). He is the object and center in discipleship; disciples are to become his “apprentices” and “live life” as he would live.
Every moment presents an opportunity to discuss who God is and what he’s doing. Since we are always following Jesus, we always have the opportunity to help others follow him as well.
As we follow Christ and help others follow him, we’re constantly made aware that we need grace. We fail. We sin. We struggle. 
But thankfully, God’s grace abounds to his children. This is good news as we seek to follow Jesus together and daily be transformed into his glorious image (2 Cor. 3:18). May we faithfully follow Christ and help others to do the same until we see his face. Come soon, Lo
Bible describes our hearts as the inner being . Luke 6:43-45 Each tree is known by its fruits.
We are walking with people so that they can mature in their faith and produce fruit.
Fruit change is the result of root change
Lasting change in people hearts must travel through the pathway of our hearts Its not enough to alter behavior or to change circumstances.
Change that ignores the heart will seldom transform the life, for a while , it may seem like the real thing but it will prove temporary and cosmetic. 

Since the central character of the great story or renovations is Christ a central theme will be grace. We must point people to God who enables them to do what they have never done or stop what they are doing.
Jesus laid down his life for us how do we lay our live for others.
When we forget the call to incarnate the love of Christ we take our relationships as our own. 
Soon they are governed by our pleasure, comfort and ease. FEELS LIKE GILLIAN . 
I think of Saul conversion, God speaks to Saul and says i am sending Ananias and He speaks to Ananias who knows who Paul had been and this would be hard for me but look at what happens God says Paul is my chosen instrument . Ananias obeys and goes and see he arrives and believing God in his ability to change people call him Brother Saul... 
Christ incarnates and comes to us and calls us brothers and sisters. Heb 2:10
We are doing life together not that we are gurus.
God sends people our way to change us and change them. I am not what people need. I connect them to a living active redeeming Christ. Your life only being an example.
People can therefore rely on Christ than us.We are not idealized models .They end up worshiping God. 
Prayer is indeed effective in the process of change. 
Col 3:12 Paul is calling us to a state of biblical readiness for the ministry opportunities he will bring us as he changes us through the ministry of others.
If you are going to teach and admonish each other you ,we must put on Christ. God changes people as we speak the truth with compassion kindness humility patience and love. 
when we do this we become the evidence of the truths we present . 

 We are not incarnating truth but Christ himself. 

Friendship IS the First step towards this process. people can only share their lives with you if they know they can trust you............


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