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When COVID 19 invaded one of the things we started doing was Lunchtime with  Mo Willems. This was the trigger of Roy's new passion for drawing. This new set of skills seems to be really growing steadily. Roy 9 is intrigued by how much he can do and he is excited to present some pieces that have come along the journey...


Extra Artist trainings on Coding with Code-varna . Thanks
Its amazing to nurture this talent indeed. This boy .... Major art piece as he calls it .loves drawing .. And he does it with so much speed. 

future is bright

Attempts of Daddie

Trying out my sister ,,

From scratch .. yeahh

Major art piece as he calls it .

trying out how will look in future on zoom,,

Lego is what we do when we rest.

Another mega piece

upside down


yours faithfully

building a Robot.
You just never know I could be sitting next to the leading African Artist .. soo let me adjust my seat belt. yeah 

Have you ever dreamt of your own street. Well in our imagination we have Roys streets.  


  1. Nice job 👍! Tell Roy and Bernice to keep going. Those are really beautiful art work

  2. Wow! Roy is a young man with alot of talents❤ He is definitely gifted. I LOOOOVE his art pieces. Keep nurturing his artistic side. We @CodeVarna are definitely impressed with his growth. Keep it up Roy!🙌🏽🙌🏽

    1. Thanks yeah we watch and pray for wisdom on how to support him. Thanks for Codevarna he is well challenged.

  3. Amazing, they are beautiful. Keep going Roy, all famous artists began like this. You're on the right track 👌

  4. Kazi mzuri sana. Alafu naona nikituma potrait yangu all the way... Keep doing you Roy.. Creative is the way to go..

  5. Goooo Roy,God is by yo side.

  6. This is amazing, this talent a great talent. Keep going.
    Thank you for being a great encouragement

  7. Wow...This is so inspiring. Keep nurturing our leading African Artisit

  8. Wow...This is so inspiring. Keep nurturing our leading African Artisit


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