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This weekend was marked with a great event that was interesting as far as am concerned because it had attracted teenagers from all over the nation.yah IMPULSE was one of this place that i really enjoyed the worship and the noise ,....some of the topics handled jesus story and it was expressed in such a simple way that one didnt need to struggle at all to get the message.

The best part came when we had to stand on the Hald school stand and yah talk about our school and this wasnt fun i promise i was soo tired and yah i was looking forward to getting in the meeting and just worshiping ,,,,,,,yah i hope that some of those people we talked to would be willing to join hald. its kinda strange to see the young pple having alot of opportunites in life and the biggest deal then becomes wether they can make wise decisions.

I specifically talked to one student who is interested in kenya and wants to come and atleast work for one year with focus and this was cool. yah

Then meeting my schoolmates from hald and leaving with them was fun ,,, romouldine , miriam robert and william ,, we had fun ,,,,,,,,, soo


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