Well it was surprising to see that valentine is not celebrated in this part of the land. well in my homeland its red allover and alot of excnanging flowers and alot of love in the air. pple dress up in red and all is red ,,,, well for me it was fun coz i havent been crazy about it anyway even when am in kenya ,,well some friends of mine made a plot and it ended up being a great day i promise ,,, ohhh in the evening they made pizza and then one of them had like presents for me and milly nad yah it was fun ,,, well thinking about love ohhhhhhh Gods standards of love are sacrificing for one another so when i thin k of love yah i know its commitment and yah ,,,, yeeee, any way all we need is love ,,,, and for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son ,,,, yah ,,,,
happy valentines day to all ,,,
Ohhh, girl! I love the pic out there. You look sexy!!!