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this last few months i have been involved alot in teaching and training mission interns doing debrief for outgoing mission interns and our one month students in GIP,, I LOVE TRAINING,, one day i will be a professor and will teach and train and teach ....

In June I was co directing Global Issues Program (GIP) which had students from USA and Uganda coming together for a holistic global issues mission.  It’s intended to model how missions can be done in a holistic way and we intentionally expose the students to different global issues that affect missions and we let them be part of what is happening.  We partnered with different organizations that are working with the needy and vulnerable in rural and urban settings including slum settings; we as well expose them to other faiths and challenge them into thinking how they can be more intentional in reaching them.
Fig: 1 students ready to enter one of the largest mosques
 Indeed something is happening. At this point I will introduce to you a pastor who graduated from Maker ere university with a bachelors in Economics but while at campus he happened to be passing through one of the largest slum then in Kampala, as he kept passing there he could see so many young kids who were not going to school and after graduating he was headed for the banking sector but God input in him a desire to serve those children, how? By couching them individually and exposing them to academics he thereafter opened a church to serve the Katanga community and that’s where one of the schools we taught is hosted now, He runs a church and a school inside there, he has only volunteer teachers and can’t even afford porridge for them but he himself is heavily involved in teaching and preaching in this community. We got a chance to teach these children and love them as well. A lot is happening and it’s upon us to plug in and join him as he reconciles all things to himself.

Fig 2: One of our students teaching at the slum school inside a church.
One of my highlights as always was to listen to the students that have gone through this program and see how their perspective on missions change but also how their eyes gets opened and they either have a commitment to volunteer and work with others or even do their own initiative and start something which will facilitate transformation of our communities countries and have a global impact. Glad I am part of this GOD’S BIG story.
It’s exactly one year since we sent our first mission interns in different communities and as I speak this tears roll down as I see how much God has used them in a great way and He also kept them safe and they have truly grown. At this point I will introduce to you one of our mission interns who we sent to the East of Uganda to a health center where when I visited one year ago there was one non health staff who was trained how to distribute drugs, it’s a government institution so its fully equipped but it doesn’t attract any young graduates since its in a very remote area, but when God sends missionaries they go wherever he sends them to. Our mission intern has been there for the last one year. On arrival he met a bush around the health center and closed rooms full of bats and only one room was operational. Indeed that day the community wiped one bench where the elders sat to welcome him and he was welcome and given a house. The following morning he was supposed to report to work and the first assignment was to clear the bush, he wore rubber boots and started slashing and cleaning the compound and the community gathered all around to see who this was. He then opened closed rooms and cleaned and to his surprise there were drugs and even new equipment including a delivery bed. The community has been traveling 10 km to access a health center while that one was closed. Finally they had an open health centre only with one staff which meant he was overworked, and that called for our intern to train community people to help in various ways.
We do not only send our mission interns to the health center but we also send them to the community to reach out for Christ and also to the Church, so on arrival to the church we had allocated him the first Sunday the pastor preached from a magazine and as we speak the church now through our intern conducts bible studies every Sunday and the pastor through conferences organized by the intern and praise the Lord the pastor now uses a bible.
That’s just one in six who have stories that will send you shedding tears of joy as you see what God is doing.
We have now sent a new team of mission interns today and we have been in a two weeks training for them and debrief for the outgoing, and as always I see their need for God and their desire to lean on him as they go out, I am glad I can be involved again in this GODS BIG STORY.

Fig 4: incoming and outgoing interns and some facilitators at the training.

This month is great month for me as both our children celebrate their birthdays .Bernice’s Bday is 4th and Roy is 26th. Roy makes 4 years and Bernice 2 years.


Rom 5:1-2 therefore since we have been justified through faith we have peace with God through our lord Jesus Christ through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.


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