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Its been four years now since I got my first baby and as He celebrates his 4 years and my second born celebrates 2 years I have been thinking lots recently about being a mother  and I am glad my kids are still young so I can adjust any ways I feel I am not doing a good job.
Good job??? Well I recently read an article from someone who was saying how she has memories of her prayerful mum who would d pray for them every day, and she modeled prayer. And she was saying what that has meant for her.  Its very easy to start thinking of your mum and start analyzing what she did and how she did it, but before then pause.. ARE U A MOTHER or almost a mother? Or maybe the question is WILL YOU EVER BE MOTHER. It’s a real gift and I pray that you get it, the gift of motherhood.
I keep Thinking about 30 years from today what will be my kids be saying about my influence in their lives.  It’s very scaring to think this way since I know I have a huge responsibility. Kid grow soo fast and they are small adorable and within a twinkle of an eye they are big enough and they are away from you and now they start evaluating you, as teenagers adults,etc

As my kids grow up they have learnt to keep repeating everything I say and doing what I love to do, they are like a mirror for me where I see myself every day, so last week my son says “that’s very stupid” so I full of anger say to him “so what did you just say to your sister?” son that’s sooo wrong …can u apologize,,, Mummy am sorry for repeating after you.. What did you say? I exclaimed as I looked at him and I saw myself.  They give a true reflection of who I am, real mirrors indeed.
Some of the things I hear are like “kwenda huko” meaning go away??? I hear my daughter jeering and I see, myself..Oh Lord have mercy.
Some of these statements like Thank you, am sorry, excuse me and so on are never learnt easily by adults you can only do a favor to your kids and teach them now how to use them. Repeat and repeat them till they are learnt.  They will carry them for the rest of their lives.
This might not be true of you but is true of me, I have to work hard to Read the bible with my kid’s everyday and pray with them. Its easy to also shift the responsibility to teachers and Sunday school instructors but I challenge you to take time and try to read the bible and pray with your kids. It’s a very busy world we are in and there is even no time to do that and I personally have to keep preaching to myself about that.
 One Sunday I was shocked when I took my kids for Sunday school and the teacher asks them what they do when they wake up and all answers from all over saying brush teeth..Breakfast etc.. Then my son shouted PRAY and the teacher asked him to go in front and receive an a appraisal. Well I truly wondered if my son who doesn’t seem to be very keen on prayer in the morning even observes. However it looks I think it makes some sense to him.
Well we are in a generation of soaps and they are so tempting to follow and the truth is they waste time.  It’s a face book generation, twitter and a loud generation and we might be lost in all this things and forget spending the little time we have with these precious little things.
Being a young mother who has other responsibilities is not easy and since we have house helps,its very easy to leave them to be incharge of our children, husbands and houses. Prov 31:15 “ she gets up before dawn and to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the days work for her servant girls” for me that means she doesn’t just let the servant girls run the house but she is the planner.    I don’t know about you but I have often found it easier to delegate my kids to the house help but since am very aware of this I have fought and fought and I continue to fight
 Do we have responsility over instilling values or can we say God is in controll? lWell think He is controll and that’s why he allowed them to pass through our hands. At this point pose with me and with a pen and paper think through some ogf the values you think you need or you would desire  to pass on.
Godly values which otherwise will not be taught in the world and the kingdoms they are growing  and being raised in. values I need to be keen on and ensure they are passed on. 
I write this to challenge young women and young mothers to spend time and be very aware of what they are leaving behind with your children, 
Have you ever seen your child or someone else child behave in a very weird way in public and you wondered who is the mother and if you are the mother you are in shock ,or worse you don’t notice the weirdness but you notice people around you getting uncomfortable.
Well for some of this things to happen we have to sacrifice some things which the world considers urgent . what are some of the sacrifices you think you need to make? Here are some suggestions to add on your list and mine.  
·         For some it might be setting time limits for being on som social networks like twitter facebook wasup and skype etc. ensuring that you are Lord over them and that they don’t be Lord over you.
·         It might mean avoiding the  8.00 o’clock Soaps which come at a real family time, they are indeed meant to ensure you have no time for family.
·          For some it might mean  taking up a different job that makes it easier to take care of your family.. this might mean less money .well here you need to think and evaluate. Well you might earn all the money but  money will never instill values and show love. Your money will enable you to do so much but I will tell you what one of the teenagers I am walking with said to me. “ my parents have money but I need them more than the money” I wish they had time for me. She finished by saying how she will never try her parents career and she would like to be a nursery teacher so she has all the time with her children. Well striking a balance is soo hard and for real this is where I know every mother needs God in daily decisions since the decisions we make affect soo many people. There is a time they will be grown and you can do all the things you long to.
·         Maybe its starting businesses that will allow us to have liberty to serve our families.
·         Maybe its taking half time jobs
·         Maybe its accepting to stay home for some years as you invest in this angels and sincerely you can go back when they are older. Don’t ask what am doing but I pray every day about this things.
·         Maybe its not taking up that masters program or PHD and study later when they are a little older.
Am sure you have many more suggestions and maybe some don’t even apply or make sense to you .
The work and its systems whisper different things like? You need to make money, you need to study while young, you know, you need to build your career now, its now or never,,
How many of us look at taking care and helping these kids an investment, which can only be seen so many years later or even only eternity watches.
You might be working hard to leave physical inheritance but as you keep working on that try as well to leave  a spiritual and internal inheritance.
And every mother and upcoming mothers say ..yees 

Gillian Edube          


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