Women have
contributed much to Missions throughout history. However, their role in this
area has never been free from controversy. Ours is not to discuss the
controversies but to ask ourselves what are the opportunities.
“We get
so caught up and focus on the tree that Women can’t eat and we forget that
there is a massive garden to enjoy and lay hold of” Sam Bierig
When you think of women in missions, which names
come to mind? Most of those their well-documented lives continue to inspire us
to live lives fully yielded to the Gospel.
But the legacy of women on the mission field
doesn’t end with them. For hundreds of years, women have been the lifeblood of
missions, crossing enemy lines, crossing borders and even risking their lives
to spread the Gospel.
We have Biblical
examples of women who diligently responded to God’s call.
the early church many women were active in mission. They responded to God’s
word and were inspired by God and brought many people to faith.
Two-thirds of active missionaries
are married couples. Another third are single women. The rest are single men.
The actual situation among most
evangelical faith missions is that between 80–85% of all single missionaries
are women.
Women make up a great percentage
of the church in Africa, and they are the custodian of missions and God still
counts on them.
There isn’t
a separate great commission given to the women, they can answer to the great
commission call and either GO, develop mission prayer teams, raise funds and
mobilize others to support field works of all kind.
many women continue to heed to God’s call even in a very difficult globalized
world facing challenges of migration, refugees, economic meltdown, racism,
violence, unemployment, poverty, etc.
calling of God still goes on in this generation and He is still asking "Whom should I
send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?" I said,
"Here I am. Send me." Is 6:8. Would yours be a “YES” to the Lord of
the harvest.
affirm and encourage women to be obedient to God’s call and purpose and stand
and say yes to the Lord of the harvest.
urge us all to seriously rethink and revisit our missionary strategies in an
ever transforming world. We must develop a fresh vibrancy and urgency to make
disciples of all nations.
As daughters in the kingdom of God we today are reminded of
one command that Our Lord gave us Math 28:18-19 Jesus was not just talking to his 12
disciples but to all his disciples.
command is to be obeyed and today the question is how can we obey the great
Go therefore
does it, mean for us to GO, Going Sometimes is crossing borders and cultures (Frontier)
other times it is to the offices we work in, and it’s going to communities we
live in and other times it’s getting out of our comfort zones.
We can risk our lives so that the gospel can
go forward. We can give generously to those who are on the field. We can pray
fervently for the persecuted church.
we love the Lords appearing we will bend every effort to take the gospel into
the entire world.
you left?
Sometimes our current situations don't allow us to physically move and we have to sense our seasons and respond wisely. But we must be willing to GO GO GO.
Make disciples
When we go what are we supposed to do? The
goal of missions is to make disciples. After we work hard to Go and we have
contact our goal must be crystal clear making disciples.
can only make disciples if we are disciples ourselves. A disciple is one who follows Christ,
and leads others to be Disciples of Christ.
disciples is our primary task whether we are teachers, designers, carpenters, mothers,
brothers, grandparents, or intercessors.
Today Jesus is calling us to spend time with
him so our feet are washed before we wash others.
after we have learnt of him we can teach others to obey everything that Jesus
has commanded.
gospel is not for us to tuck away into a secret part of our life. We are
disciples so that we can be witnesses and make disciples.
you making any disciple? Who are you investing in right now?
All Nations
A biblical understanding of the word ‘nation’
will help us understand the task remaining. The disciples we make are supposed
to be from all nations (ethnic groups- tribes tongues, and people). Go;
make disciples from among all ethnic groups”
There are
still thousands of biblically defined nations which lie outside the witness of
the established church. These will not be reached unless the church/we are
willing to extend our witness beyond our walls and cultures.
There are
hundreds of Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists and other blocs who are not reached.
Rev 7:9
after this I looked, and there before me was a great
multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language,
standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white
robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
God's girl on assignment.
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