I was very skeptical about Christianity, especially that I could be born again.
I was brought up in a local Anglican church that according to me did not necessarily embrace salvation by then. I was comfortable there because there was no prompting or challenge for me to think about my inner life. In my first high school, I had come close to receiving Jesus through my talents. The Christian group asked me to lead worship as a nonbeliever since I had a great voice (that was risky I guess), so I always led worship and walked out immediately after that. One day the preacher decided he needed us around and that's how the gospel was presented to me and for the first time, I felt something shaken in my inside. Remember I was a known naughty girl so the whole school was eyes on me and surely it was the toughest 2 months I lived as I played all kinds of games.I moved to a new school and this was a turn around for me as I encountered Jesus, one, as I watched the life of one Nicoleta who I admired so much as she lived out her Christian life and second as I attended a service one day the preacher presented the gospel "while we were still sinners Christ died for us". It came fresh and I was sure to recommit my life to Jesus and my journey began as I was disciplined my Nicoleta who we were Harambe dormitory prefects together. I became active in my Christian union, all over sudden my; leadership gifts started reshaping because I believe I had them but I was manifesting in a different kingdom under different lordship.
Receiving Jesus was the most transforming thing I have ever experienced in my life, It brought with it physical, spiritual, emotional healing for me. I totally did a 360% turn, I had been justified now, I could not wrap the thought around the fact that I have been considered as if I did not sin now and I have been righteous by Grace through faith in Jesus' name. I, therefore, engaged on my sanctification process as I was helped to understand that I had some growing to do to become like Christ, very aware of my more than spiritual needs like emotional needs that needed to be transformed I was keen on my Christian disciplines and one person stands out in teaching me those, Daddie (Pst John Simba). He was very keen on spiritual formation and walked with me through exposing areas that needed to be touched by the Lord that were at my core.
One of the very significant sacraments/practice was my baptism by immersion, I had been baptized as a child but when I became a born again Christian I was convinced that I needed to be baptized and make a public declaration of my faith. For the first time, I felt the presence of the Lord surely upon my life and got so much courage to face my teenage with a difference.
I was involved in ministry in my local church (Full gospel church-Karurumo) then I moved to the nearby town as my mum decided that I needed to work before joining college. She got me a job as a shop attendant and rented a house for me and I had to pay my rent bills and buy food but I knew if I am broke I can call my mother and she would send money. I keep wondering how that was a risk for my mum to release me at that age to live alone but I guess she was led by the Lord. It was this year that I grew so much in my faith, I led worship in the new church (Triumph Church Embu) preached in the lunch hours and at this point thankful for Pastor James Nthiga who trusted me and allowed me to practice on his pulpit. My house was a prayer room, I prayed and fasted and had all kind of Christian girls in my house as we grew together. I also learned a lot of hard work and planning especially from my then employees Kush and Maggie that turned out to be my best friends in life and we are involved in each other's life up to now.
They gave me value for life by including me in their family sort of and encouraged me to work hard.
I knew I desired to go to college and be able to get a career and pressure was mounting now from my mother who wanted me to be a nurse like her, but deep down in heart I didn't know what I wanted to be but I had met Jesus and I wanted him to influence who I was becoming so I spent time surely praying and releasing my choices to him and surely I didn't end up in a nursing school despite the lots of efforts form my Mother.
I ended up in a rare college colled Cooperative College of Kenya where I was going to do a diploma in Cooperative management for two and a half years.
This is where I needed to be because through this I was exposed to FOCUS (K) since I immediately became a Christian union student leader in my first year. my campus staff Peter Oyugi and the wife Cecilia walked patiently with me in my leadership journey and slowly I started encountering lots of discipleship and spiritual formation and this redefined a lot of what I had believed in. Core areas of my faith and believe were touched and I started rethinking my future. I became a leader of the Regional student's committee (R-SEC) as well as represented the students at the national level as the board( NASEC).

It was at a student's conference (Commission 05) that the redirection happened when I heard the term Missions and I was sure I knew what I wanted to do "MISSIONS". How, where, when I didn't know.
A lot of this season of my journey was characterized by lots of doing and activities and less of being.
I was on my final year in college and prayerfully with my best friend then Clemence who is even now involved in my life, I discerned a calling of God in my life at "Nordic hall" where we prayed every morning for our lives including our marriage lives. So I graduate with good grades and FOCUS immediately asks if I could consider 1 Year as a student worker and since I was sure I was called but I didn't know what I was supposed to do I felt like that was something I could embark on as I searched the will of God.
At this point, I had been dating a pastor who I had to leave because he was seemingly holding a different set of values and I went through that loss peacefully. I also had to lose a job(Banking job) that I was supposed to sign a contract in the same month I am considering to join Focus. It may look light now but then I felt like I was losing everything I had known and was choosing a weird path. Too much loss.
So at this point am a young adult now and I am a student worker working in Eldoret (Moi university Town and Chepkoilel Campus) where I was disciplined and training leaders in the Christian union. STEM Staff. At this point, my story has a taste because of Jesus.
Find out what happens on my new path...... Gillian Edube is released-coming up next.
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